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Dictionar Mobile.
1G = The first generation of analogue mobile phone technologies including AMPS, TACS and NMT
2G = The second generation of digital mobile phone technologies including GSM, CDMA IS-95 and D-AMPS IS-136
2.5G = The enhancement of GSM which includes technologies such as GPRS
3G = The third generation of mobile phone technologies covered by the ITU IMT-2000 family
3GPP = The 3rd Generation Partnership Project, a grouping of international standards bodies, operators and vendors with the responsibility of standardising the WCDMA based members of the IMT-2000 family
3GPP2 = The counterpart of 3GPP with responsibility for standardising the CDMA2000-based members of the IMT-2000 family. 3GPP2 is spearheaded by ANSI
8PSK = Octantal Phase Shift Keying
A5/1/2/3/8X = Encryption algorithms for GSM networks
AAL = ATM Adaptation Layer
ABR = Available Bit Rate
A-bis = Interface between the BSC and BTS in a GSM network
AB = Access Burst; used for random access and characterised by a longer guard period to allow for burst transmission from a MS that does not know the correct timing advance when first contacting a network
ACTE = Approvals Committee for Terminal Equipment
ACTS = Advanced Communications Technologies and Services – a European technology initiative
ACU = Antenna Combining Unit
ADPCM = Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation; a form of voice compression that typically uses 32kbit/s
AFC = Automatic Frequency Control
AGCH = Access Grant Channel; downlink only, BTS allocates a TCH or SDCCH to the MS, allowing it access to the network
Air interface = In a mobile phone network, the radio transmission path between the base station and the mobile terminal
A-interface = Interface between the MSC and BSS in a GSM network
AM = Amplitude Modulation
AMPS = Advanced Mobile Phone System, the analogue mobile phone technology used in North and South America and in around 35 other countries. Operates in the 800MHz band using FDMA technology
AMR = Adaptive Multi-Rate codec. Developed in 1999 for use in GSM networks, the AMR = has been adopted by 3GPP for 3G
Analogue = The representation of information by a continuously variable physical quantity such as voltage
ANSI = American National Standards Institute. An non-profit making US organisation which does not carry out standardisation work but reviews the work of standards bodies and assigns them category codes and numbers
ANSI-136 = See D-AMPS
API = Application Program Interface
AoC = Advice of Charge
ARIB = Association of Radio Industries and Businesses. An organisation established by Japan’s Ministry of Posts and Communications to act as the standardisation authority for radio communication and broadcasting
ARPU = Average Revenue Per User
ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC = Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASP = Application Service Provider
Asymmetric Transmission = Data transmissions where the traffic from the network to the subscriber is at a higher rate than the traffic from the subscriber to the network
A-TDMA = Advanced Time Division Multiple Access
ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode; a multiplexed information transfer and switching method in which the data is organised into fixed length 53-octet cells and transmitted according to each application’s instantaneous need
AUC = Authentication Centre; the element within a GSM network which generates the parameters for subscriber authentication = Bandwidth = A term meaning both the width of a transmission channel in terms of Hertz and the maximum transmission speed in bits per second that it will support
BCH = Broadcast Channels; carry only downlink information and are mainly responsible for synchronisation and frequency correction (BCCH, FCCH and SCH)
BCCH = Broadcast Control Channel; the logical channel used in cellular networks to broadcast signalling and control information to all mobile phones within the network
B-CDMA = Broadband Code Division Multiple Access
B-ISDN = Broadband ISDN
BER = Bit Error Rate; the percentage of received bits in error compared to the total number of bits received
BERT = Bit Error Rate Test
Bit = A bit is the smallest unit of information technology. As bits are made up using the binary number system, all multiples of bits must be powers of two i.e. a kilobit is actually 1024 bits and a megabit 1048576 bits. Transmission speeds are given in bits per second (bit/s)
Bluetooth = A low power, short range wireless technology designed to provide a replacement for the serial cable. Operating in the 2.4GHz ISM band, Bluetooth can connect a wide range of personal, professional and domestic devices such a laptop computers and mobile phones together wirelessly.
BHCA = Busy Hour Call Attempts; the number of call attempts made during a network’s busiest hour of the day
BSC = Base Station Controller; the network entity controlling a number of Base Transceiver Stations
BSS = Base Station System/Subsystem
BTS = Base Transceiver Station; the network entity which communicates with the mobile station = CAI = Common Air Interface; a standard developed for the UK’s public CT2 networks which enabled the same handset to be used on different networks
CAMEL = Customised Application for Mobile network Enhanced Logic; an IN feature in GSM networks that enables users to carry personal services with them when roaming into other networks that support CAMEL
CSE = CAMEL Service Environment
Capacity = A measure of a cellular network’s ability to support simultaneous calls
CB = Cell Broadcast
CC = Call Control; manages call connections
CCB = Customer Care and Billing
CCCH = Common Control Channels; a group of uplink and downlink channels between the MS and the BTS (see PCH, AGCH and RACH)
CCS7 = Common Channel Signalling No. 7
CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access; also known as spread spectrum, CDMA cellular systems utilise a single frequency band for all traffic, differentiating the individual transmissions by assigning them unique codes before transmission. There are a number of variants of CDMA (see W-CDMA, B-CDMA, TD-SCDMA et al)
CDMAone = The first commercial CDMA cellular system; deployed in North America and Korea; also known as IS-95
CDMA2000 = A member of the IMT-2000 3G family; backwardly compatible with cdmaOne
CDMA 1X = The first generation of cdma2000; the standardisation process indicated that there would be CDMA 2X and CDMA 3X but this no longer appears likely
CDMA 1X EV-DO = A variant of CDMA 1X which delivers data only
CDPD = Cellular Digital Packet Data; a packet switched data service largely deployed in the USA. The service uses idle analogue channels to carry the packetised information.
CDPSK = Coherent Differential Phase Shift Keying
CDR = Call Detail Records; the record made within the cellular network of all details of both incoming and outgoing calls made by subscribers, The CDR is passed to the billing system for action
Cell = The area covered by a cellular base station. A cell site may sectorise its antennas to service several cells from one locationCell site = The facility housing the transmitters/receivers, the antennas and associated equipment
Cell splitting = The process of converting a single cell to multiple cells by sectorising the antennas in the cell site or constructing additional cells within a cell site
CELP = Code Excited Linear Prediction; an analogue to digital voice coding scheme, there are a number of variants used in cellular systems
CEPT = Conference of European Posts and Telecommunications. A organisation of national posts, telegraphs and telephone administrations. Until 1988, when this work was take over by ETSI, the main European body for telecommunications standardisation. CEPT established the original GSM standardisation group
CF = Call Forwarding
CI = Carrier to Interference ratio
CIBER = Cellular Intercarrier Billing Exchange Roamer Record
CID = Caller Identification
Circuit switching = A method used in telecommunications where a temporary dedicated circuit of constant bandwidth is established between two distant endpoints in a network. Mainly used for voice traffic; the opposite of packet switching
CLID = Calling Line Identification
CLIP = Calling Line Identification Presentation
CLIR = Calling Line Identification Restriction
CM = Connection Management; is used to set up, maintain and take down call connections
CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide Substrate
Codec = A word formed by combining coder and decoder the codec is a device which encodes and decodes signals. The voice codec in a cellular network converts voice signals into and back from bit strings. In GSM networks, in addition to the standard voice codec, it is possible to implement Half Rate (HR) codecs and Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) codecs
Control signal = A signal sent to a cellular phone from a base station or vice versa which carries information essential to the call but not including the audio portion of a conversation
CPE = Customer Premises Equipment; all the equipment on the end user’s side of the network interface
CPU = Central Processing Unit
CRC = Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRM = Customer Relationship Management
CSS = Customer Support System
CT = Cordless Telephony
CT0 = Zero generation cordless telephony; the earliest domestic cordless phones which used analogue technology and which had severe limitations in terms of range and security
CT1 = First generation cordless telephony; Improved analogue phones with greater range and security; a number of European nations produced CT1 standards
CT2 = Second generation cordless telephony; Using digital technology CT2 phones offered greater range, improved security and a wide range of new functionalities. Used in both domestic and cordless PABX deployments, CT2 was standardised as an interim ETS but was overwhelmed by DECT
CT2-CAI = Second generation cordless telephony-common air interface
CTA = Cordless Terminal Adaptor; a DECT term
CTM = Cordless Terminal Mobility
CTR = Common Technical Regulation; part of the ETSI standardisation process
CUG = Closed User Group = D/A = Digital to Analogue conversion
DAC = Digital to Analogue Convertor
DAMA = Demand Assigned Multiple Access
D-AMPS = Digital AMPS, a US wireless standard also known as IS-136
DAN = DECT Access Node
DCA = Dynamic Channel Assignment
DCCH = Dedicated Control Channels; responsible for roaming, handovers, encryption etc. (See SDCCH, SACCH and FACCH)
DCE = Data Communications Equipment
DCH = Data Clearing House
DCPSK = Differentially Coherent Phase Shift Keying
DCS1800 = Digital Cellular System at 1800MHz, now known as GSM1800
DECT = Digitally Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications system, a second generation digital cordless technology standardised by ETSI
DEPSK = Differential Encoded Phase Shift Keying
DES = Digital Encryption Standard
DFSK = Double Frequency Shift Keying
Digital = a method of representing information as numbers with discrete values; usually expressed as a sequence of bits
DPCM = Differential Pulse Code Modulation
DPSK = Digital Phase Shift Keying
DQPSK = Digital Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
DS-CDMA = Direct Sequence CDMA
DSP = Digital Signal Processing
DSRR = Digital Short Range Radio; a UK standard for a low power, short range radio system designed for small voice and data networks
DTE = Data Terminal Equipment
DTMF = Dual Tone MultiFrequency; better know as Touch Tone. The tones generated by touching the keys on the phone are used for a variety of purposes including voice mail systems and voice messaging
DTX = Discontinuous Transmission
Dual Band = The capability of GSM infrastructure elements and handsets to work across both the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands. The capability to seamlessly handover between the two bands offers operators major capacity gains
DB = Dummy Burst; transmitted as a filler in unused timeslots of the carrier
Duplex = The wireless technique where one frequency band is used for traffic from the network to the subscriber (the downlink) and another, widely separated, band is used for traffic from the subscriber to the network (the uplink) = EDGE = Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution; effectively the final stage in the evolution of the GSM standard, EDGE uses a new modulation schema to enable theoretical data speeds of up to 384kbit/s within the existing GSM spectrum. An alternative upgrade path towards 3G services for operators, such as those in the USA, without access to new spectrum. Also known as Enhanced GPRS (E-GPRS)
EEPROM = Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFR = Enhanced Full Rate; a alternative voice codec that provides improved voice quality in a GSM network (see codec)
EFT = Electronic Funds Transfer
EGSM = Extended (frequency range) GSM
EIR = Equipment Identity Register; a database that contains a list of all valid mobile stations within a network based on their IMEI
EIRP = Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
EPOC = The mobile phone operating system developed by Symbian. Derived from epoch-the beginning of an era-EPOC is a 32-bit operating environment which comprises a suite of applications, customisable user interfaces, connectivity options and a range of development tools
EPROM = Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
Erlang = A dimensionless unit of average traffic density in a telecommunications network
ERMES = Enhanced Radio Messaging System; a paging technology developed by ETSI which was intended to allow users to roam throughout Europe. Adopted by a number of European and Middle Eastern countries, ERMES, like paging in general, was overtaken by the ubiquity of GSM
ERO = European Radiocommunications Office
ERP = Effective Radiated Power
ESMR = Enhanced Special Mobile Radio; a US PMR variant (see SMR)
ESN = Electronic Serial Number; a 32-bit number that uniquely identifies a mobile phone
ESPRIT = European Strategic Programme for Research and Development in Information Technology
ETACS = Extended TACS; the extension of TACS by the addition of new frequencies
ETS = European Telecommunications Standard
ETSI = European Telecommunications Standards Institute: The European group responsible for defining telecommunications standards = FACCH = Fast Associated Control Channel; similar to the SDCCH but used in parallel for operation of the TCH. If the data rate of the SACCH is insufficient borrowing mode is used
FB = Frequency Correction Burst; used for frequency synchronisation of the mobile
FCC = Federal Communications Commission; the US regulatory body for telecommunications
FCCH = Frequency Correction Channel; downlink only, correction of MS frequencies, transmission of frequency standard to MS etc.
FDD = Frequency Division Duplex; a radio technique which uses paired spectrum; UMTS has an FDD element
FDMA = Frequency Division Multiple Access-a transmission technique where the assigned frequency band for a network is divided into sub-bands which are allocated to a subscriber for the duration of their calls
FEC = Forward Error Correction
FH = Frequency Hopping
FH-CDMA = Frequency Hopping CDMA
FMC = Fixed Mobile Convergence
FMI = Fixed Mobile Integration
FPLMTS = Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications System, the original title of the ITU’s third generation concept now known as IMT-2000
FRA = Fixed Radio Access; see WLL
FSDPSK = Filtered Symmetric Differential Phase Shift Keying
FSK = Frequency Shift Keying; a method of using frequency modulation to send digital information
FSOQ = Frequency Shift Offset Quadrature Modulation
FSS = Fixed Satellite ServiceGb = The interface between the PCU and the SGSN in a GSM/GPRS network = Gc = The interface between the GGSN and the HLR in a GSM/GPRS network
Gd = The interface between the SGSN and the SMSC in a GSM/GPRS network
Gf = The interface between the SGSN and the EIR in a GSM/GPRS network
Gi = The interface between the GGSN and the Internet in a GPRS network
Gn = The interface between the GGSN and the SGSN in a GPRS network
Gp = The interfaces between the GGSN/SGSN and the Border Gateway in a GPRS network
Gr = The interface between the SGSN and the HLR in a GPRS network
Gs = The interface between the SGSN and the MSC in a GSM/GPRS network
GAIT = GSM/ANSI 136 Interoperability Committee
GAP = Generic Access Profile; a DECT term
Gbit/s = A unit of data transmission rate equal to one billion bits per second
GMSC = Gateway Mobile Services Switching Centre; the gateway between two networks
GCF = Global Certification Forum
Geostationary = Refers to a satellite in equatorial orbit above the earth which appears from the surface to be stationary
GERAN = GSM-EDGE Radio Access Network; the name for the evolution of GSM towards 3G based on EDGE
GGRF = GSM Global Roaming Forum
GGSN = Gateway GPRS Support Node; the gateway between a cellular network and a IP network.
GHz = A unit of frequency equal to one billion Hertz per second
GMPCS = Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite
GMSK = Gaussian filtered Minimum Shift Keying; a refinement of FSK which minimises adjacent channel interference
GPRS = General Packet Radio Service; standardised as part of GSM Phase 2+, GPRS represents the first implementation of packet switching within GSM, which is a circuit switched technology. GPRS offers theoretical data speeds of up to 115kbit/s using multislot techniques. GPRS is an essential precursor for 3G as it introduces the packet switched core required for UMTS
GPS = Global Positioning System; a location system based on a constellation of US Department of Defence satellites. Depending on the number of satellites visible to the user can provide accuracies down to tens of metres. Now being incorporated as a key feature in an increasing number of handsets
GRX = GPRS Roaming Exchange
GSM = Global System for Mobile communications, the second generation digital technology originally developed for Europe but which now has in excess of 71 per cent of the world market. Initially developed for operation in the 900MHz band and subsequently modified for the 850, 1800 and 1900MHz bands. GSM originally stood for Groupe Speciale Mobile, the CEPT committee which began the GSM standardisation process
GSM MoU = The GSM Memorandum of Understanding, an agreement signed between all the major European operators to work together to promote GSM. The precursor of the GSM Association
GSM-R = GSM-Railway, A variant of GSM designed to meet the special communications needs of international train operators = Handoff = The transfer of control of a cellular phone call in progress from one cell to another, without any discontinuity
Hands-free = The operation of a cellular phone without using the handset; usually installed in vehicles.
HCS = Hierarchical Cell Structure; the architecture of a multi-layered cellular network where subscribers are handed over from the macro to the micro to the pico layer depending on the current network capacity and the needs of the subscriber
HDLC = High level Data Link Control
HIPERLAN = High Performance Radio Local Access Network; a wireless local area network being standardised by ETSI (Also HIPERLAN2)
HLR = Home Location Register; the database within a GSM network which stores all the subscriber data. An important element in the roaming process
HSCSD = High Speed Circuit Switched Data; a special mode in GSM networks which provides higher data throughput By cocatenating a number of timeslots, each delivering 14.4kbit/s, much higher data speeds can be achieved
HSPSD = High Speed Packet Switched DataIub = The interface between the Node B and the RNC in a UMTS network = Iur = The interface between RNCs in a UMTS network
Iups = The connection between the RNC and the packet switched network in a GSM/GPRS/UMTS network
Iucs = The connection between the RNC and the circuit switched network in a GSM/GPRS/ = UMTS network
I-ETS = Interim European Telecommunications Standard
I-mode = A service developed by Japanese operator NTT DoCoMo, I-mode delivers a huge range of services to subscribers and has proved enormously popular with some 30 million regular users. The revenue sharing model used for I-mode is being adopted by other operators as the basis for the new services enabled by GPRS and 3G
IMEI = International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMSI = International Mobile Subscriber Identity; an internal subscriber identity used only by the network
IMT-2000 = The family of third generation technologies approved by the ITU. There are five members of the family: IMT-DS, a direct sequence WCDMA FDD solution IMT-TC, a WCDMA TDD solution IMT-MC, a multicarrier solution developed from cdma2000 IMT-SC, a single carrier solution developed from IS-136/UWC-136 IMT-FT, a TDMA/TDD solution derived from DECT
IN = Intelligent Network
INAP = Intelligent Network Application Part
Internet = A loose confederation of autonomous databases and networks. Originally developed for academic use the Internet is now a global structure of millions of sites accessible by anyone
Intranet = A private network which utilises the same techniques as the Internet but is accessible only by authorised users
IP = Internet Protocol
IPR = Intellectual Property Rights
IPv6 = The next generation of IP addressing designed to replace the current system IPv4 which uses a 32 bit address code which limits the number of possible addresses. IPv6 uses a 128 bit code ensuring that the possible number of IP addresses will be virtually limitless
IrDA = Infra red Data Association
Iridium = A low earth orbit satellite communications system developed initially by Motorola.
IS-54 = The first evolution in the USA from analogue to digital technology. Used a hybrid of analogue and digital technology, superseded by IS-136
IS-95 = Cellular standard know also as cdmaOne
IS-136 = Cellular standard also known as TDMA or D-AMPS
ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO = International Standards Organisation
ISP = Internet Service Provider
ITU = International Telecommunications Union
ITU-R = ITU Telecommunications Radio Sector
ITU-T = ITU Telecommunications Standardisation Sector
IWF = Interworking Function = Java = A programming language developed by Sun Microsystems Java is characterised by the fact that programs written in Java do not rely on an operating system
JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group = LAN = Local Area Network
LANS = Local Area Network Services
LAP = Link Access Protocol
LEO = Low Earth Orbit; refers to satellites which orbit the Earth at around 1,000 kilometres
LMSS = Land Mobile Satellite Service
LOS = Line of Sight = MAC = Media Access Control; the lower sublayer of the OSI system
MAN = Metropolitan Area Network
MAP = Mobile Application Part
Mbit/s = Megabit: a unit of data transmission speed equal to one million bits per second
MHz = Megahertz; a unit of frequency equal to one million Hertz
MCPA = Multi Carrier Power Amplifier
MeXe = Mobile Execution Environment; likely to be based on Java, MeXe enables WAP-enabled devices to offer a wider range of features with greater security and flexibility, as well as greater control of telephony features
MFSK = Multiple Frequency Shift Keying
MMI = Man Machine Interface
MMS = Multimedia Messaging Service; an evolution of SMS, MMS goes beyond text messaging offering various kinds of multimedia content including images, audio and video clips
MMSK = Modified Minimum Shift Keying
MNO = Mobile Network Operator
Modulation = The process of imposing an information signal on a carrier. This can be done by changing the amplitude (AM), the frequency (FM) or the phase, or any combination of these
MoU = Memorandum of Understanding- = see GSM MoU
MPEG = Motion Picture Experts Group; MPEG4 is a technology for compressing voice and video so that the information can be transmitted over normally difficult links such as mobile radio
MS = Mobile Station
MSC = Mobile Switching Centre; the switching centre of a mobile phone network, the MSC has interfaces to the BSCs, HLR, VLR and other MSCs
MSISDN = Mobile Station International ISDN Number
MSK = Minimum Shift Keying; Another term for FFSK
Multiplexing = A telecommunications technique where several channels can be combined to share the same transmission medium. The most common forms are Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
MVPN = Mobile Virtual Private Network = N-AMPS = Narrowband AMPS
NB = Normal Burst; used to carry traffic and control channels except RACH
NET = Norme Europeenne de Telecommunications
NMT = Nordic Mobile Telephone system; an analogue cellular technology deployed in the Nordic countries in the late 1970’s; variations were also deployed in the Benelux countries and in Russia. NMT operated in the 450 and 900MHz bands and was the first technology to offer international roaming, albeit only in the Nordic countries
Node B = The element in a UMTS network which interfaces with the mobile station, analogous to a BTS in a GSM network = OTA = Over the air activation (of services and tariff changes)
O&M = Operations and Maintenance
OMC = Operations and Maintenance Centre
OMC-R = The radio OMC
OMC-S = The switching OMC
OSI = Open Systems Interconnection; a seven layer model for protocols defined by ISO = PACS = Personal Access Communication System; a digital cordless technology developed initially by Bell Labs in the US, PACS was designed to compete with DECT
Packet switching = A communication system wherein the information is transmitted in packets of a set size. These packets have address headers and find their way to their destination by the most efficient route through the network. Compared to circuit switching where a connection is occupied until the traffic exchange is completed, packet switching offers considerable efficiencies as connections can be used by a number of users simultaneously
PAMR = Public Access Mobile Radio; Commercial service using trunking techniques in which multiple groups of users can set up their own closed systems within a shared public network
PAP = Public Access Profile; a DECT term
PCH = Paging Channel; downlink only, the MS is informed of incoming calls by the BTS via the PCH
PCM = Pulse Code Modulation; the standard digital voice format at 64kbit/s
PCMCIA = Personal Computer Memory Card Interface Association the body responsible for defining the standards and formats for memory expansion cards for laptop computers and PDAs. Now extended to cover cards for mobile phones
PCN = Personal Communications Network; a designation initially used in the UK to refer to networks operating in the 1800MHz band (see also DCS1800). No longer in use
PCS 1900 = Personal Communications Systems 1900MHz; the terminology used in the US to describe the new digital networks being deployed in the 1900MHz band; rarely used today
PCU = Packet Control Unit; an element in a GPRS/UMTS network
PDA = Personal Digital Assistant
PDC = Personal Digital Communications; a digital cellular technology developed and deployed uniquely in Japan. A TDMA technology, PDC is incompatible with any other digital cellular standard
PEDC = Pan European Digital Communications; A designation occasionally used in the early 1990’s to describe GSM. No longer in use
Penetration = The percentage of the total population which owns a mobile phone
PHS / PHP = Personal HandyPhone System/Phone; a digital cordless technology developed in Japan which achieved great success. Deployed by NTT DoCoMo and other Japanese operators PHS offered two-way communications, data services and Internet access and eventually won some 28 million customers. Now in decline as cellular’s wide area capabilities offer better service
PIN = Personal Identifier Number
PKI = Public Key Infrastructure
PLMN = Public Land Mobile Network; any cellular operator’s network
PMR = Private Mobile Radiocommunications; two-way radio technology widely used for despatch and delivery services, taxi companies and the like. See TETRA
POCSAG = Post Office Code Standardisation Group; a now defunct industry grouping which standardised pager addressing systems
PoP = Points of Presence; a method of measuring the value of a cellular licence; the approximate number of potential customers within a geographical area
POTS = Plain Old Telephone Service
PROM = Programmable Read Only Memory
PSK = Phase Shift Keying
PSRCP = Public Safety Radio Communications Project; an initiative by the UK Government to standardise all emergency services communications on to a single digital technology (see TETRA)
PSDN = Public Switched Data Network
PSPDN = Public Switched Packet Data Network
PSTN = Public Switched Telephone Network
PSU = Power Supply Unit
PTO = Public Telecommunication Operator
PTT = Posts, Telephone and Telegraph Administration
PTT = Push-to-Talk; a feature of PMR systems
PWT = Personal Wireless Telecommunications; a variant of DECT developed for use in the USA = QAM = Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QAPSK = Quadrature Amplitude Phase Shift Keying
QCELP = Quadrature Code Excited Linear Prediction
QoS = Quality of Service; a broad term to describe the performance attributes of an end-to-end connection
QPSK = Quadrature Phase Shift Keying = RACE = Research in Advanced Communications in Europe
RACH = Random Access Channel; uplink only, allows the MS to request an SDCCH in response to a page or for a call
RAM = Random Access Memory
RFP = Radio Fixed Part; equivalent to a base station in a DECT system
RCC = Radio Common Carrier
RELP = Regular pulse Excitation Linear Prediction coding
Reuse = The assignment of frequencies or channels to cells so that adjoining cells do not use the same frequencies and cause interference whereas more distant cells can use the same frequencies. Reuse expands the capacity of a cellular network by enabling the use of the same channels throughout the network
RP = Radio Part
RNC = Radio Network Controller; the element which controls the Node Bs within a UMTS network. It is roughly analogous to a BSC in a GSM network
Roaming = A service unique to GSM which enables a subscriber to make and receive calls when outside the service area of his home network e.g. when travelling abroad
Router = A device which forwards information in a network on a connectionless basis
RRM = Radio Resource Management, part of the UMTS infrastructure
RT = Remote Terminal = SACCH = Slow Associated Control Channel; transmits continuous measurements in parallel with operation of TCH or SDCCH; needed for handover decisions
SAR = Specific Absorption Rate
SB = Synchronisation Burst; used for time synchronisation of the mobile
S-CDMA = Synchronous CDMA (see CDMA)
SCH = Synchronisation Channel; downlink only frame synchronisation and identification of base station
SCP = Switching/Service Control Point
SDCCH = Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel; communications channel between the MS and the BTS. Used for signalling during call set-up before a TCH is allocated
SDLC = Synchronous Data Link Control
SDMA = Spatial Division Multiple Access
SGSN = Serving GPRS Support Node; the gateway between the RNC and the core network in a GPRS/UMTS network
SIM = Subscriber Identity Module; A smart card containing the telephone number of the subscriber, encoded network identification details, the PIN and other user data such as the phone book. A user’s SIM card can be moved from phone to phone as it contains all the key information required to activate the phone
SoHo = Small Office/Home Office
Streaming = An Internet derived expression for the one-way transmission of video and audio content
STK = SIM ToolKit: specified within the GSM standard, this allows operators to add additional functions to the phone menu in order to provide new services such as mobile banking or email
SMR = Specialised Mobile Radio; the US term for private mobile radio (See PMR)
SMS = Short Message Service; a text message service which enables users to send short messages (160 characters) to other users. A very popular service, particularly amongst young people, with 400 billion SMS messages sent worldwide in 2002
SMSC = SMS Centre-the network entity which switches SMS traffic
SMSCB = SMS Cell Broadcast
SMS-MO = SMS Mobile Originated
SMS-MT = SMS Mobile Terminated
SMS-PP = SMS Point to Point
SP = Service Provider
SQAM = Staggered Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
SQPSK = Staggered Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
SS = Supplementary Service Support; handles special services
SS7 = Signalling System Number 7 (See CCS7)
SSP = Service Switching Point
STM = Synchronous Transfer Mode
Symbian = A company created by Psion, Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola in 1998 with the aim of developing and standardising an operating system which enable mobile phones from different manufacturers to exchange information = The operating system is known as EPOC. Matsushita has subsequently joined Symbian = TACS = Total Access Communications System (an AMPS variant deployed in a number of countries principally the UK)
TAP = Transferred Account Procedure; the essential charging methodology for international GSM roaming. There have been four TAP standards, TAP1, TAP2, TAP2+ and TAP3. The latter offers variable record length and is sufficiently flexible to support all future requirements arising from the move to 3G
TBR = Technical Basis for Regulation (part of the ETSI standardisation process)
TCH = Traffic Channel
TD-CDMA = Time Division CDMA
TD-SCDMA = Time Division-Synchronous CDMA; a CDMA variant developed by Chinese vendors which is claimed to offer high data rates and greater coverage
TDD = Time Division Duplex; a radio technology for use in unpaired spectrum. WCDMA/UMTS includes a band for TDD mode usage and both PHS and DECT use this technology
TDMA = Time Division Multiple Access; a technique for multiplexing multiple users onto a single channel on a single carrier by splitting the carrier into time slots and allocating these on a as-needed basis
Telematics = A wireless communications system designed for the collection and dissemination of information, particularly refers to vehicle-based electronic systems, vehicle tracking and positioning, on-line vehicle navigation and information systems and emergency assistance
TETRA = Terrestrial Trunked Radio; a European developed digital private mobile radio technology which is now being extensively deployed worldwide
Tetrapol = A competitive digital PMR technology to TETRA developed by French vendors
TFTS = Terrestrial Flight Telephone System
Timeslot = A frame within a TDMA schema; has a time interval of 576 microseconds. Physical content of a timeslot is known as a burst. Five different burst types exist, they are distinguished by different TDMA frame divisions (see NB, FB, SB, AB and DB)
TIPHON = Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonisation over Networks; an ETSI project designed to support the market for voice communications and voice band communications. In particular TIPHON will ensure that users on IP-based networks can communicate with those on circuit switched networks
TMN = Telecommunications Management Network
TMSI = Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity; covers the IMSI to prevent over-the-air interception and tracing
TRAU = Transcoder Rate Adapter Unit; the transport unit for a 16kbit/s traffic channel on the A-bis interface
Tri-band = Refers to a mobile phone able to operate on the three internationally designated GSM frequencies- 900, 1800 and 1900MHz
TrueSync = A technology which enables the optimal synchronisation of calendars, address books, action lists and memoranda. It enables multi-point, one-step synchronisation of wireless and wireline devices, desktop computers and server-based applications and services TRX = Transmitter/receiver (transceiver) = UI = User Interface
Um = The air interface between the BTS and the MS in a GSM network
Uu = The air interface between the Node B and the MS in a UMTS network.
UMTS = Universal Mobile Telecommunications System; the European entrant for 3G; now subsumed into the IMT-2000 family as the WCDMA technology.
UPN = Universal Personal Number
UPT = Universal Personal Telecommunications
URL = Uniform Resource Locator; the addressing system of the Internet
USO = Universal Service Obligation
UTRA = Universal Terrestrial Radio Access; the air interface component of WCDMA.
UTRAN = Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network; the UMTS radio access network comprising the RNC, Node B and the air interface
USIM = Universal Subscriber Identity Module; the 3G equivalent of the GSM SIM
UWB = Ultra Wide Band = VAS = Value Added Services
VBR = Variable Bit Rate
VHE = Virtual Home Environment
VLR = Visitor Location Register
Vocoder = Voice coder
VoIP = Voice over Internet Protocol
VPN = Virtual Private Network
VSAT = Very Small Aperture Terminal
VSELP = Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction = WAP = Wireless Application Protocol; a de facto standard for enabling mobile phones to access the Internet and advanced services. Users can access websites and pages which have been converted by the use of WML into stripped-down versions of the original more suitable for the limited display capabilities of mobile phones
WARC = World Administration Radio Conference; an ITU conference held at regular intervals to determine the allocation of spectrum for various services
WCDMA = Wideband CDMA; the technology created from a fusion of proposals to act as the European entrant for the ITU IMT-2000 family
WLL = Wireless Local Loop; a technique for providing telephony and low speed data services to fixed customers using wireless. Regarded as having considerably potential for rapidly addressing the telecommunications gap in developing countries. A number of different WLL solutions have been marketed based on cellular and cordless technologies
WLAN = Wireless Local Area Network; a short range radio network normally deployed in traffic hotspots such as airport lounges, hotels and restaurants. WLAN enables suitably equipped users to access the fixed network wirelessly, providing high speed access (up to 11Mbit/s download) to distant servers. The key WLAN technologies are the IEEE802.11 family and ETSI HIPERLAN/2
WML = Wireless Markup Language; a markup language developed specifically for wireless applications. WML is based on XML =
WQAM = Weighted Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
WWW = World Wide Web
XML = eXtended Markup Language
The Consumer Mobile Glossary
Advice of charge = A service which provides the user with information on the cost of calls from a mobile phone
Airtime = The amount of time a subscriber spends using his/her mobile phone
Battery status/Battery charge display = An indication of the amount of battery life remaining
Battery = A chargeable device which provides the mobile phone with power. A variety of battery technologies have been used for mobile phones including nickel cadmium (NiCad), nickel metal hydride (NiMH) and lithium ion (Li-ion)
Call barring = A service which enables users to bar certain incoming or outgoing calls on their mobile phones
Call timer = A service which keeps track of the amount of airtime being used by the subscriber on a cumulative basis
Call divert = The capability to divert incoming calls to another phone (fixed or mobile) or to an answering service
Call hold = The ability to put an ongoing call on hold whilst answering or making a second call
Caller ID = Caller Identification; displays the name/number of the person calling a mobile phone. Also known as CLI
CLI = See Caller ID
CLR = Clear; the key on a cellular phone which is pressed to remove information from the display
Data capable = Mobile phones which have the capability to enable transmission of data from a laptop computer or PDA via the phone
Dual band = Mobile phones which support transmission and reception of calls on the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands with seamless handover between the two frequency bands
EFR = Enhanced Full Rate (codec); an improved version of the standard voice codec used in GSM phones; offers improved speech quality without impacting on network capacity
END = The key on a cellular phone which is pressed to terminate a call
Infrared data port = A facility on a mobile phone to allow information to be exchanged with other devices e.g. a PC using infra red technology
Lock = A function on a cellular phone which, when activated, prevents use of the phone until the user enters a security code
No Service = An indication on the display of a cellular phone that indicates that the user is in an area where cellular service is unavailable
One-touch dialling = The ability to dial frequently called numbers using a single key stroke; see Speed Dialling
PCN = Personal Communications Networks; an outdated term for GSM services in the 1800MHz band
PDA = Personal Digital Assistant; a sophisticated handheld device with advanced display facilities and a range of business-oriented software programs
Phone book = A list of personal names and numbers stored in a mobile phone’s internal memory or in the SIM card. These numbers can be called by accessing the appropriate memory and making a single key stroke
PIN = Personal Identity Number; a number, usually four digits, that must be keyed into a mobile phone to make it work. A security measure to prevent unauthorised usage
RCL = The function on a cellular phone which recalls a phone number from memory
Roaming = The ability to make and receive calls on the same mobile phone when travelling outside the area of the home network operator
Smartphone = a combination of mobile phone and personal digital assistant
SND = Send; The key on a cellular phone which initiates a call or answers an incoming call
Speed dialling = See One-touch dialling
Standby time = The length of time a battery can power a mobile phone when it is switched on but not making or receiving calls
Talk-time = The length of time a battery can power a mobile phone when making or receiving calls
Voicemail = A service offered by network operators whereby calls received when the mobile is in use, switched off or out of coverage can be diverted to an answering service which can be personalised by the user
WAP = Wireless Application Protocol; a standard whereby mobile phones can gain access to specially tailored Internet websites
WML = Wireless Markup Language; a specially designed markup language used for tailoring WAP content. WML enables optimum usage of the limited display capabilities of the mobile phone
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